Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Appalachian Trail #7

  A picture from the Trail.


Another Shelter, Sherry  reading the Shelter log book.

For Today:

One of my books is a fiction novel centered on the trail entitled ‘The Appalachian Trail’.  Even though Amazon recommended it, my worst reviews were of that book. I took time to talk to the worst reviewer to explain that EVERY incident mentioned in the book are true except one. One where the central character becomes the mentor of a kid (a delinquent) on the trail who had been forced to hike with a rehab group or enter a detention center.

An oddity here is that My cover is near exactly like our friend Victor Moubarak’s book ‘The Priest and The Prostitute’.  From the hundreds to pick from I was very surprised that he and I picked the same picture from public domain for one of our books Covers.

Just a comment off the Trail, If you haven’t read Victor’s writing you are missing good entertainment as well as a gem or two in good common sense. I especially enjoy one of his creations, Father Ignatius, it is amazing how smart the Father is.  As I read his stuff I am hoping Victor learns from the Father. LOL  I honestly smile when I read Father Ignatius, I declare he is my daddy, noting the common sense and advice he gives to his flock. If you visit   you will eventually meet the good Father.

My girl enjoying a break in the Smokey Mts.

Back to the Trail. Once in Virginia Sherry was ahead of me about 50 yards, all of a sudden three mountain goats jumped between us and hiked a piece. I suggested she just keep walking and be glad she wasn’t wearing red. LOL in a while they jumped off the trail and took off. I am always amazed at how goats seem to jump like all 4 legs are springs.

Me just enjoying a break!!

The trail also goes thru pastures on public lands. We walked by cows and horses as we hiked.  I know folks love to read about snakes. Sherry learned the nonpoisonous ground snakes and would just step over the very few we met.  Usually that was only early in the cool morning when they did not scoot out of the way.

My girl at the summiot of Blood MT in Georgia


Me somewhere in Vermont


PS:  Thanks for visiting here. We hope you enjoyed it and will return.  Wishing YOU the best.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

What's going on?

That's my 3rd comment here. The other two have vanished.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've read several of your books and enjoyed them, I cannot imagine someone wanting to leave negative comments on your writing about the Appalachian Trail. From what I've read of your adventures. It was an awesome experience. We just cannot please everyone, but if you were happy with what you wrote. I imagine it was good . Hold on to those sweet memories!

Mevely317 said...

What a funny coincidence, you and Victor selecting the same cover before ever knowing each other!

Boo-hiss on that negative reviewer -- wasn't it Thumper's mother who said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I hope he/she at least had the good sense to respond to your explanation.

Lisa said...

What a cool coincidence with the book covers.
I need to go check out his blog. Thanks!

Enjoying the weather here.

happyone said...

Wow you and Victor picked the same cover!! Amazing!