Todays stuff....................
This is Monday. Shirl booked me at Holy Angels in the morning. So I have practiced the picture I am going to do and everything is packed in the van for our trip down. I have scheduled my ‘three minutes’ with the city council to present all of them with a copy of Rags and Gracefully Grasping for Dignity. That will be on the evening of the 6th of April.
Today is beautiful here. We met the senior bunch at Hardees and outlasted about everyone. I mostly sit around and grin nod and smile a lot. I have one buddy there, Ed, that I can hear and understand, but he is OLD. haha! We have about the same interests.
In the past I have had some good advice from Ed. ED lost his wife a good while ago. Then after a few years of living alone he got married again. It did not last but a few days. I know he was hurt, but he and the crowd at Hardees were able to joke about it. Now he is happy to date the ladies and take them dancing.
Bobby Don was there; he has battled MD successfully for over fifty years and still gets out and goes.
We have one guy, Bill, who is an illegitimate son of W.C. Fields. Bill is a great guy looks exactly like Fields. His mother was in the Follies at the same time Fields was appearing with them. Bill was in the USMC in WWII. Spry as can be and a very sweet personality. Much opposite to his daddy, who was renowned as a nasty comedian.
Vernon, Sherry’s Brother was there with his wife Janet. Vernon was a Green Beret, now is the local entertainer. Shirl was there with Smokey. I think she has finally found a friend. Hey now, don’t get me wrong that is NOT SAYING THAT SHE DID NOT HAVE ANY before! LOL.
Smokey is a local celebrity in the music field. Up until a few years ago had his own recording studio. Smokey and a lot of the folks there work with Vernon to entertain the seniors.
Anyway that was our day. I did get the oven cleaned in the open side of the complex.
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog PS:
Government exists to protect us from each other.
Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
Government is like a baby: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
Government exists to protect us from each other.
Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
Government is like a baby: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
It's a beautiful day here in Kentucky as well...
Glad you had a good time with the Hardee Bunch..
You sure have some interesting friends. Do you still own the tractor? Maybe pull it behind your motor home?
Well glad to hear what I did this morning.
I had to take stands and flowers by the Historical House. Dot said she would be calling me to work again. This volunteer work
is keeping me busy but it is fun. Yes I do have
more friends than Smoky. I entertained at the
Moose Lodge with his band. They are fun people
to be around. I admire Bobby Don still going
every where. They are all a good group.
Now you've done it, Shirl is taking you out of the will. I think you could have come up with something better than baby aspirin...like skittles or M&M's or something...ha.
Hope Sonny continues improving and your cold gets better. Sheila
I'm sure the residents will enjoy your chalk art. Are ya gonna get out there and cut a rug (dance) with them? I hope we get to see pictures of you doing your art works. Geez, the city council could have at least given you 5 minutes of their time since you're gonna make Belmont famous with your writing.
I'm happy for Shirl that she has her good friend Smokey. She deserves to be able to enjoy life.
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