Well now, it seems we have lost the pump that pumps water when we are not hooked up to park or city water. Must have frozen and cracked the pump. I think that is the only damage from the deep freeze in North Carolina. We did not go to the hospital today, we go in the morning and take our shift in the day.
We have not been able to see Louise. We would love to drop by to see her, but the Sons, care givers, think it should be limited to family. Once you have been a care giver, it is easy to understand and honor their opinions. So we pray and hope for the best for her. One thing about that, we will remember Louise as she was the last time we saw her at Hardees, laughing and having fun.
Near twenty here tonight. Then we warm up. THANK GOODNESS. I know, you folks who really know COLD are laughing. So I will laugh with you …..…..hahahahahahahaah.
WE had a visit from our grand sons, Matthew and Luke. They brought M.J. the bull dog. Now Sherece is here making Sherry more beautiful. For years Sherry had her private beautician, Brenda her niece. Now it is her grand Daughter the beautiful Sherece. Sherry will many times put off getting her hair done when she knows she can get it done here.
So today we have had a visit from Mark’s family, soon we will see Jack’s family. We have seen Mark (youngest son), on his way to work one morning and Jack (the elder son) went to the hospital to see Sonny with us when we first came home.
Shirl ate supper with us tonight, Sherry tried a new recipe for chicken pot pie. It turned out very good.
Take care and thanks for stopping by the Shipslog.
Nite Shipslog
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, 'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.' - Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.'
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement.
-Mark Twain
twenty's are cold if you are not used to it...lol around this time of year in wisconsin twenty's feel good.....lol
I hope Sherece cuts the hair like we talked about. MJ modeled the coat very good. The meal was good. Luke and Matt are sure growing.
You can tell that MJ is spoiled. What MJ wants
MJ gets.
Sound like you have a very interesting life. Must have been fun visiting all the states. I've only been to maybe 10 at the most. Would love to see more.
Sherry's hair always looks nice in her pictures. U-all stay warm.
got the book yesterday Jack! will read it before Rags if that is okay with you; should have a "review" by the end of the weekend; looks interesting what I've read so far; thank you so much for your kindness
so glad you are having a chance to see others in your family and enjoying spending time with them :)
I could really use Sherece to cut and fix my hair. I hope you get that pump fixed soon.that dog is living the life of Riley. Poor Louise being in that shape. A caregiver really has their hands full. Helen
MJ looks awful comfy in the drivers seat. I'm glad you are getting to visit with your family while you're there. Hopefully the pump didn't bust and you won't have to replace it. It is starting to warm up here suppose to be in the 60's tomorrow but not sure how long it will last we get some of our biggest snows in March. I'm sorry you can't visit with Louise times like this are so hard on the family and caregivers. All are in my prayers.
Ok, couldn't comment yesterday so I came back today...ha. I know you both enjoyed the visit with the grandkids. That chicken pot pie sounds good. How did you get Shirl to come that 75 feet to the motor home in the snow? :)
Love the pics...MJ is a cutie!
Glad you are getting to visit with family...I bet Shirl is tickled pink that you all are there...glad she came to eat with ya!
Sorry you wasn't able to visit with Louise...
Keeping Sonny, Louise and all in my prayers
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