Life is so complicated now. At one time we lived awhile then got sick and died. The family mourned and another person was buried. Now with all the advancements in medical science we live awhile then get sick, there will be a procedure or pill that will extend your life. Then we get sick again, there is another procedure and two more pills to extend our lives.
We are not complaining because other than remembering to take the pills and figuring how to pay for them, life goes on. We get sick again now it takes an operation, maybe a kidney or heart transplant. More pills, many more pills to fight rejection. Now we continue to live but the quality is not too great, but we are alive. Then comes the BIG decisions.
“We can try this procedure, it is not guaranteed to extend your life, and it is very painful and requires many follow ups. Take a few days talk to the family the decision is up to you.” Now you and the family must discuss is it worth it? What is a day of life worth? Also What is a day of suffering worth? Now the decisions are very different, not like the ones early that were not life threatening but life enhancing.
NOW this one is LIFE OR DEATH. How will you handle it? If you have been around fifty or more years you have heard the following statements:
“I know one thing, I will never take Chemo or Radiation all it does is kill you slower, uncle John did it and he was sick until he died.”
“You won’t see me with my hair out! I would rather die first!”
That type of statement goes on and on. NONE of us know exactly what we will do until forced to make the decision. My Florida pastor’s wife told me, “Brother Jack, when I was forced to make that decision, it was possible life or sure death, I chose life.” She is still with us many years later.
Now my buddy Sonny faces that same type of decision. His Doctors say he is not a good candidate for long range dialysis, but without dialysis he has little hope. He will require the procedure three times a week for the rest of his life. When he returns from dialysis he is worn and washed out, HE IS BEAT!
As I sat by the bed Sonny said, “Jack I don’t know whether I will go back or not, this is a big decision.”
I said, “Yeah, buddy the biggest decision you have ever made.” He went to dialysis today, but he says that is the last time, but he will have a day to get over it. Then the mind thinks different.
Are you, or have you ever been a smoker? I found the best time to quit smoking was right after a good meal and right after the cup of coffee and a Marlboro. Just after you have crushed the filter tip cigarette out. That is the best time to quit, you are perfectly satisfied. Throw the rest of the pack away.
Shucks I had quit smoking at least a thousand times. (before I finally did) LOL But then two hours later is the real decision time, you are no longer satisfied. You go back to the trash for those you threw away. Or you look in the ash tray for the longest butt. There are some hard decisions in life, just some are much harder than others.
Nite Shipslog
My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe. - Jimmy Durante
My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe. - Jimmy Durante
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. - Alex Levine
I still think I want to live. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. But I might not choose to take some steps just to live. It's a hard choice. I can live without my hair or without my breasts. But if I am just extending a long painfull life I might say no. You never know until you have to make that decision. I know I am not afraid to die.
Jack as I go back in time you and I have seen
so many people make this decision. Our brother
Odis begged Jim and I think you to have those tubes unpluged and let him go. Jim never forgot
that plea. When I think of this I am glad I
have a Health Will and I guess that will make
my disision. I wonder how did I get this age
and where did not youth go. I feel like Phil
Harris "If I had know I would have lived this
long I would have taken a hell of a lot better
care of myself". Sad but I am there.
I can only hope things turn around for the better for Sonny. It's hard to believe he was just down there in Florida for your birthday and now he is fighting for his life. I pray he gets well and is free of pain. Take care, Sheila
So so sad...
Hard decisions for sure...
Keeping Sonny and his family and of course you (his friends) in my thoughts and prayers
None of us know what we'll do until we're faced with those decisions but after seeing Judy suffer the way she did it was a relief when she chose to quit taking treatments. Personally I think quality of life for me would outweigh quantity.
One of my Uncles was told more than a year ago if he didn't take dialysis he only had a few months to live. He's in his 80's and he refused taking those treatments. Ya know he's lived a good long life and has suffered with NHL for several years.
I can understand Sonny saying he wasn't taking anymore dialysis.
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