Left is Steve (Son) his wife Donna. Then yours truly. Sonny's grand daughters Jessica and Megan in front. (This is a few years ago)
Well we are in North Carolina. It is rainy and messy here. I think the South is supposed to get freezing rain and snow tomorrow. At least it is not like Woody’s area of New York and Nebraska, where it comes to stay. If we get any here it will be gone in less than two days.
We are not happy about the weather, but as most of you know, hospital stays can wear a family down. WE are here to help, because most of the folks involved with Sonny are still working. And especially at a time like this with jobs at a premium, you don’t want to give a company any excuse to let you go. So we are volunteering for the night shifts so the others can get sleep to continue work.
They are trying dialysis on Sonny to try to clear up the poison in his body. I am learning something also. Gout is not limited to the feet and legs. Sonny has gout in one of his arms. It hurts to move it. He has gout in feet and legs, they hurt to move them. Sonny is also too heavy, it is impossible to move him without hurting him. If you have been around a hospital any length, you are familiar with transferring the patient from the gurney to the bed and vice versa. I have watched two nurses handle a man with ease, as I am sure you have. Today I had to aid three or four nurses getting Sonny back onto the bed, and it hurt him so bad. It was easy to see that the maneuvering really took its toll. Sonny could not help himself; he left no doubt that he was hurt.
One nice thing about coming home, we get to see Shirl my sister and Vernon, Sherry’s older brother (He fell out of a tree a couple months back). Shirl is doing pretty well, but is tired from all the long distance shopping sprees her and Terri have taken. LOL. Vernon is really doing well and walking without the aid of cane of walker. He still gets around and entertains Old People.
Most areas have local talent or person’s of local fame. One of ours in Gaston County is Smokey Coe. (No kin to David Allen, I don’t think) Smokey had his own recording studio here in Gaston. He has a son in the entertainment business in Nashville and an Attorney son, who practiced with one of our lawyers here in Belmont for awhile. I believe he said that son had moved to Florida. (Good move, LOL). Smokey took some songs up in the charts I think. Anyway, Vernon has recruited him also into the FREE senior entertaining. Sherry and I got to meet him last night at dinner, seems like a nice guy good sense of humor. Dinner was at a local Cafeteria, it was the first time we had a chance to talk to Shirl also. No visiting today, it has been too messy.
I will not complain about the weather you guys that have had it rough will climb my case, so I will try not to fuss. LOL.
Nite Shipslog
We are not happy about the weather, but as most of you know, hospital stays can wear a family down. WE are here to help, because most of the folks involved with Sonny are still working. And especially at a time like this with jobs at a premium, you don’t want to give a company any excuse to let you go. So we are volunteering for the night shifts so the others can get sleep to continue work.
They are trying dialysis on Sonny to try to clear up the poison in his body. I am learning something also. Gout is not limited to the feet and legs. Sonny has gout in one of his arms. It hurts to move it. He has gout in feet and legs, they hurt to move them. Sonny is also too heavy, it is impossible to move him without hurting him. If you have been around a hospital any length, you are familiar with transferring the patient from the gurney to the bed and vice versa. I have watched two nurses handle a man with ease, as I am sure you have. Today I had to aid three or four nurses getting Sonny back onto the bed, and it hurt him so bad. It was easy to see that the maneuvering really took its toll. Sonny could not help himself; he left no doubt that he was hurt.
One nice thing about coming home, we get to see Shirl my sister and Vernon, Sherry’s older brother (He fell out of a tree a couple months back). Shirl is doing pretty well, but is tired from all the long distance shopping sprees her and Terri have taken. LOL. Vernon is really doing well and walking without the aid of cane of walker. He still gets around and entertains Old People.
Most areas have local talent or person’s of local fame. One of ours in Gaston County is Smokey Coe. (No kin to David Allen, I don’t think) Smokey had his own recording studio here in Gaston. He has a son in the entertainment business in Nashville and an Attorney son, who practiced with one of our lawyers here in Belmont for awhile. I believe he said that son had moved to Florida. (Good move, LOL). Smokey took some songs up in the charts I think. Anyway, Vernon has recruited him also into the FREE senior entertaining. Sherry and I got to meet him last night at dinner, seems like a nice guy good sense of humor. Dinner was at a local Cafeteria, it was the first time we had a chance to talk to Shirl also. No visiting today, it has been too messy.
I will not complain about the weather you guys that have had it rough will climb my case, so I will try not to fuss. LOL.
Nite Shipslog
If you click the following thread. Just scroll down the page, do not click the movie or what ever shows up first. The big woman is on down the page.
You got to see this 320 pound woman! You should be amazed!
You got to see this 320 pound woman! You should be amazed!
I could not comment yesterday the blog kept
disapearing. Terri and I have not finished shopping. We have put it on hold until we see
how our friends are doing. Anyway I can't find
my MM or Check book. My money is limited to what
is in my wallet and that will only a sandwich,
desert and a drink at a cheap restaurant. I hope you feel bad about stopping our fun
Aww Jack, take pity on your sister. I am just so sorry for the pain and suffering that poor man is enduring. I know it is not easy on you and Sherry to watch and know he is in pain. We do have snow and it has been cold. Thurs, supposed to get top 65. We will see. Lucy
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