Obituaries are nothing new to my Sherry. She checks them daily. Since I have one funeral home that notifies me of new obits and I do look at those to see if I recognize the name or picture.
My girl reads the obituary, I am slow, but I am finally realizing why. She lived in Belmont all of her life up until she was eighteen. She attended school with the same group from first grade to graduation. She reads the local obits with much more interest than I. She lived on two separate mill hills, and knew practically every on the hill. She has lots of roots. She checks to see who was kin to who and many times recognizes the deceased and survivors.
I find myself doing just a little more than checking names. NOW I am looking at AGE also. I am shocked to see so many obituaries that state ages MUCH younger than I. Also I am seeing less that are OLDER. That is starting to tell me something.
Some things I learn slow, BUT I DO LEARN.
I notice my taster isn’t as good as it once was.
My smeller also isn’t too good.
I NEVER get tired walking, maybe running, but walking never. The other night on my walk alone, too cool for my girl, I noticed I was winded.
I don’t even have to ask what that means. I know now. It means my wife and my sister are getting older. .
I put that little laughing guy on there, but I really ain’t laughing. I didn’t mean to waste your time. But thanks for stopping by the log anyway.
Nite Shipslog
But I am getting excited about our 59th wedding anniversary, and the Western Caribbean Cruise and it is nine months away.
1981 vintage automobiles. Some consider these antiques?