(They both live in Big Bend)
Imma tell you Big Bend National Park is one BIG park. IT covers over 800,000 acres (1/3 size of Yellowstone). Of course they say everything in Texas is big. It also looks over 118 miles of the Rio Grande River. On one trip we wanted to drop in just to see the area.
Bird watchers like it because there are over 400 species of birds that live here. As a matter of fact, I have heard ‘The Road Runner’ for a long time and his problems with Wiley Fox (Over 70 different mammals live here also). I thought the Road Runner was a fictitious bird, but I saw my first one at Big Big Bend.
The Rio Grande, having seen too many westerns, I thought I would see a BIG river.
We cannot forget the reptiles, over 50 different species are here. We parked the RV in a very tight spot. All wilderness camping no hookups.
(On the way to Big Bend, near San Antonio I painted our Bra in memory of 9/11)
We like to walk, we took our bathing suits and selected a trail to the Hot Springs. We have been to Three Hot Springs and enjoyed them all. But this one was the least commercialized. As a matter of fact it was in a bland area. and the area around it was only dirt. WE got in, loved it for the rustic setting, I could sit in the springs and dangle my arm in the Rio Grand. The Rio at this point was only about 20 feet wide and running pretty swiftly.
That is the Rio Grande in the back ground as you can see above the Hot springs it is shallow and fast.
(That is the Hot Springs behind Sherry those folks were getting out, you can see the water below the springs is much more calm and deeper, Mexico just across that river))
(This is how we entered Mexico illegally. You can see the horse and donkey in the distance. I regret I did not scan but a sample of Big Bend years ago)
The most interesting thing we did was walk down the edge of the Rio in another area where we could see a small town on the other side, Bacchius (?). There was a young man there with a homemade boat who offered to take us across (illegal immigrants) for $5. We did. On the long walk up to the town we were offered rides on a horse or a donkey, we turned them down. Looking back we wished we had took them up on it, they could use the money.
(That is our little Guide.This is the café.)
This was not a commercial town, a pretty little girl, 9 or 10 yrs, ran up and offered to show us around. The whole town population was no more than 300 at the most. There was a couple local bars and one sort of café(the most modern building in town). We ate a small meal. The owner was American. Later we decided to eat again in one of the local homes where the lady sold tacos. They were the best tacos we had ever eaten, food better than the American lady had. The tacos were about half the size of the tacos we were used to.
All the houses had dirt floors, none had running water. There was outside faucets on the little streets that everyone shared.
We enjoyed ourselves and found out that the $5 was a round trip. Of course we gave him a good tip.
(Just below where we crossed the Rio Grande it disappears into this cavernous pass.)
BIG BEND, very nice and we only saw a little of it.
Nite Shipslog
Some of my Cowboy trucks
I didn't recognize you at first in those glasses!
That's a wonderful tribute to 9/11 on the big rig ... I hope it garnered lots of compliments.
That's an interesting story about your 'covert' entry to Mexico. What with the mounting ill-will over illegal immigrants both in Texas and Arizona, I wouldn't want to try it!
Aren't the roadrunners a hoot? We have them all over the place at my work site. Every now and then I want to call out "Beep-Beep!" but I'm afraid someone would overhear.
You two are the bravest people I know. Wow! Interesting. I have to answer your question from my blog. The people wanted to cut the fence because they were probably poachers. The neighbor has exotic deer and they wanted one or two. It was easier to go through John's fence from the highway and then get into the neighbors in the brush. The light hair on the fence is probably from his deer.
That looks like a great place to visit Jack. Jilda and I went to Yellowstone last year and we loved it. We'll have to put this on our list of destinations too.
I think I would have paid the $5 too for such an adventure :)
We have roadrunners here and roadrunners when we lived in a part of Southern California. Funniest thing I saw was a roadrunner with a lizard it its mouth.
Best story I heard about a roadrunner though was when we lived in that part of Southern California. Two doors down was a family with a few kids who also did child care. She said one day a roadrunner was acting "crazy" in her backyard and hitting against her window and drawing lots of attention. She didn't think too much about it until later in the afternoon when the kids were outside playing and the dog alerted them to a rattlesnake under a bush near the barbecue. She was able to get the kids inside and call animal control to remove it (they are endangered, so not destroyed just relocated). She is convinced the roadrunner was trying to warn her (I'm sure it was sent by God to do so). I know they do hunt rattlesnakes and snakes. When I saw them here, I always watched out if there was a snake around.
(I hope I didn't share this story before; when she told me about it, it gave me goosebumps)
What a great shot of you and your motor home! Wonderful job painting the 9-11 tribute on the front.
You both have seen and done so much across our beautiful nation. I love this post. Fascinating reading about your "excursion" to Mexico. My hubby and his friend rode their Harleys from South Georgia to Mexico and back. That has been several years ago, and they probably wouldn't go back to the same Mexican town. It is Nuevo Laredo. It was a bit "rough" way back then.
Great post, Jack.
What a beautiful place to visit. I've heard the hot springs are wonderful!
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