(We are out of date, Next Exit has replaced Exit Authority)
One is the ‘Exit Authority’ also by another name ‘The Next Exit. That one is actually the most important book. It tells what is at the next exit and which establishments we can get the RV in and out of. Most places to eat and get fuel will not handle our rig which is near 60’ with the tow vehicle attached.
The Businesses that will handle the rig are in RED. We know if we do not want to cook we can stop at a truck stop, or next is a Cracker Barrel with RV parking. Most restaurants and fast food places will not accommodate our rig.
There is something that is not common knowledge, when and RV is towing it cannot back up. When towing on a tow dolly or with four wheels on the ground you cannot back up without ‘jack-knifing’ the tow and doing damage, that is why we are very careful where we plan to pull into.
Anyway the ‘Next Exit Publication’ is for us a REQUIREMENT.
RV parks are easier. The Next Exit also lists many RV parks if they are near an exit. But the most used is called “Trailer Life”. It lists probably 85% of the RV parks in the USA, Mexico and Canada.
(Good Sam has replaced TRailer Life)
‘Trailer Life’ gives directions to the parks, rates them, and gives the amenities they have along with Last Years rates. I will admit My Sweetheart and I are from the old school. We still use these old books. For folks with Tablets, etc, can get this stuff over the net. We haven’t progresses that far and don’t have enough time left to learn it. LOL
We enjoy the mom & pop RV parks, they are the best. WE will stay at a KOA, but it is usually as a last resort. The KOA and other national brands are nice, but they are also more expensive.
Anyway that is how we stay out of some trouble, we do have good information.
Nite Shipslog
I'd never heard of those books before, but I'm sure I'd be using them too If I was traveling. Nice to know what is coming up on the next exit for sure ! I'm just home from church and will soon have 3 of my grands here for the afternoon. I'm hoping that nap time will be on the agenda, but I doubt it. Hope you all have a great day !
Those both sound like good books to have for helping you guys chart your course so to speak while you are traveling. I would imagine the one that lists where it is good to park is very valuable indeed! Towing the car behind the U-Haul when we moved here; we got good at spotting where it was good to pull in for gas, food, etc.
What a wealth of information!
I think I 'get' what you mean about being able to find something on the internet, but take comfort in the familiar (and which hasn't let you down)!
Hugs from rainy Phoenix,
PS - I never thought about rigs such as yours being unable to back-up!
Since living in Fl you know we have a ton of RV parks. I always think how nice it would be to own a small park. Some are really cute, lil towns really. It would be fun to have a 50 unit mini town, but I dont see me winning any lotto money soon, so I guess I will just dream about my lil RV park. lol
You could write a book for new comers to the traveling world. I know these books give you much info. but you could write about some of your experiences and give advice that you and Sherry have learned on your own.
This is great info Jack. I probably would have learned about the no backing rule the hard way :)
I'm like you, I would rather have the books to look it up in. You are answering some of my 'I wonder's'. Have a great day, Sheila
LOL! and all I thought you had to do was find a Walmart parking lot!
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