Monday, May 25, 2020

The SKY is the limit, rent it?

Autos of beauty

For today (Tuesday):
Cars and trucks are used to advertise. With the new screen-print technology complete cars and trucks become Advertisements.
BUT? I caught this near Disney, in Orlando:

What ever happened to widespread sky writing and banners behind planes? I remember as a kid sitting on the grass spell bound as a plane spelled big words across the sky.

Pilots with advertising genius flying banners around telling of an event.

We have seen marriage proposals and love declared across the sky. Messages of Christians declaring the Love Of God, etc. I can imagine a lot of planning must go into that kinda of originality. And a calm day.  Most of these are from the net. But Orlando is a great spot on a calm day for enjoying a pilot’s skill to “WRITE IN THE SKY”

I remember my daddy preaching a sermon about the ‘Writing on the Wall” and would talk about the first time he saw ‘Sky writing.’

This brought a smile, you could not rent a bigger canvas!
 And then this one, HOW DO I LAND?

Nite Shipslog     


Mevely317 said...

Ka-boom ...ending with a chuckle! Love all of these clever - and kind - messages. Banners, yes; but I don't remember ever having seen sky writing in person. Thanks for the smiles, Jack!

betty said...

I like that last one lol. I see a plane occasionally advertising a Geico banner. Long time since I have seen messages written in the sky though!


Chatty Crone said...

I used to see them more at like attraction sites - but it has been awhile.

Woody said...

An Old Favorite at Myrtle Beach was "EAT AT MANNY'S" and we would go there and get a New York Sub or Sandwich, an they were delicious even at New York Prices in South Carolina !! Hope things are going well, Just laying low due to the heat and humidity ! sending down Love and well wishes, Gary an Anna Mae !

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I don't see much sky writing anymore but we do have a plane that flys trailing a banner that says chocolate from one other more well known candy stores in our area. It's a great way to advertise and I hope we see more of it.