Monday, July 11, 2022

Witty and wit!

  Today’s automobile:

 One of the most popular cars ever in my life time, the 1957 Chevy!  Ever own one?  Not me.

NOTE: Will be busy, This is Tuesday's entry, just early!

Some thoughts for today:

“It was a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty, but he had a great fall.

I stole that from Victor’s blog. I have always wanted to be witty, when I try it embarrasses Sherry. LOL Are you  witty? Do you have a friend who is?  I do. We call him Buddy, his real name is Richard but he doesn’t know it. As a teen ager he kept his friends is stitches.

My problem is, two hours later I think of this ‘cute’ thing I COULDA said as a retort to someone in a past conversation.

I know a couple well, they are brother and sister. They are from a good family. Wise dad, sarcastic mama(in her youth). The man is like Buddy, he has a wonderful wit, friendly type.  The sister has a ‘cutting wit’, One I never appreciated. I don’t mind laughing at myself, but it hurts when others seriously do it, does that make sense to you?

I was relating a trip to my son and the brother once. I said, “The spontaneous trip to Germany with Buck ‘n Alice was great, etc……….”

Friend said, “I bet that was some kind of horse!”

Me, “What do you mean?”

“That Bucking Alice, she musta been a tough horse!”

When you are a Southerner, at times you slur your words, if you ain’t careful!  LOL

Question here: We are installing a ‘shallow’ walk in shower next door. I do not plan on shower doors, it is a rental. What is the best type of shower curtain(s) to use to protect the floor, any ideas?  THANKS.

(If you have a cute witty answer I WILL appreciate it and laugh at it too!)





betty said...

Not sure about the shower curtain. Hopefully someone else can help you Jack. I'm not sure I am witty here. I know I can border a bit on sarcastic at times and that is not necessarily good.


Unknown said...

The only advice I have on the shower curtain is make sure it is dark and not clear see through. You don't want to scare your spouse when they walk in on you taking a shower.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

The best shower curtain is a transparent one. Or clear glass.

Thanx for the mention on your Blog, Jack. Much appreciated. I use humour on my Blog to cheer people up - namely myself!

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

I, too, have always been late with clever comebacks. And ya, 'cutting' humor's never been my cup of tea. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but it seems there's too much sarcasm and too little gentle humor these days. Whatcha gonna do?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

No wit here this morning, but I use a shower curtain liner in white and it is covered by a cloth curtain for looks. It works so I'm not complaining. My grandsons that are visiting right now are fully of whitty comments that keep me on my toes.

Sheila Y said...

Here’s a little wit from Rick’s late brother. He messaged me this on Facebook messenger. I read it and hear his voice in my head. :)

I washed my cell phone with my pants two weeks ago, didn't mean to. It’s clean but people have stopped calling.

I’m not a fan of cutting wit either.
❤️ Sheila