Friday, January 6, 2012

Skinny dipping (Yeah I know it is winter!)

I was eleven before I owned a bathing suit. I cannot even remember learning to swim.  I think I was sorta like a puppy, it just came about naturally.

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I do remember my first encounter with a  creek. The Davis’s, a black family, lived below us in High Shoals. Dad Pastored a country church. There was a creek on their property, more like a brook. the deepest place was probably 12 inches. Shirl and I would go down and play with the kids. Sometimes in the barn in the hay and sometimes wading the creek and jumping rocks. I don’t remember, but I am sure I got wet on hot days.

skinny dipping3

The next church dad pastored was in town and no creeks close by. But when they had a baptizing, I always felt the need to be baptized, so dad would baptize me.  A couple times I felt he held me under a little long to try to make sure it would take. LOL. If baptizing will do the trick, and the Lord is keeping track, I have racked up at least 20 baptizing's. LOL

rev Brewerleft rev John Darnell right

Then we moved to Albemarle, NC. I was introduced to Long Creek. All the boys swam in the creek. I don’t remember anyone having a bathing suit. You either went nekkid, or wore your underwear. I wore my underwear a couple times, but found out that mama did not appreciate muddy drawers. Girls were not allowed, just boys. In my entire life, I cannot remember having more fun than swimming (until I met Sherry).skinnydipping4

Even my dog Ace (an English Spaniel) loved the creek.  Swimming nekkid also got a 4th grader, who sometimes swam with 8th graders, a lesson, you learned boys grew hair…..  under their arms. LOL.  Physical education in the creek.

My first trunks were given to me. Von Dale, my best friend in Albemarle, knew about Rock Creek Park and a public swimming pool. Being from very strict religious folks it was considered a sin to go in swimming with girls, we couldn’t let our parents know. Hey, since I had been baptized enough times I didn’t worry too much. And who cared about girls anyway?LOL


SWIM all day for 25 cents. We went there planning to swimming in our cut-off pants. The manager would not allow that, but gave us bathing suits that had been abandoned. He had a barrel of them.

Man I was in high cotton! Shucks, I’ve been lucky all my life!!!!

Thanks for coming by the log,

Nite Shipslog


Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching

—Unknown Author



Safety in an early T-Model.



Paula said...

We used to play in the river at the crossin' and thats where people washed their cars. Quite a ways from town. A ways thats country talk. I still say it sometime. lol

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

20 times! My goodness I've never known any one that has been baptized more than once. Growing up I had the joy of grandparents that lived on a farm and there was a creek that ran through their property so I got to get in that creek many times. It was the best fun. Being a city gal, I did enjoy the pools here in the summer too, but it was more fun in the creek. I'm about ready to get out and take the decorations down off the porch. I've procrastinated long enough here today. Have a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures and life.

Must be more than two decades since last I did swim in a natural lake. Thank you for the memories. And yes, such and the sky remain indeed priceless and available for each. Please have you all a good weekend.

betty said...

I'm thinking one of those 20 baptisms "took" :)

Those were the days to get to swim for 25 cents all day! I remember my mom giving us two quarters, one to get into the pool and the other was used for renting a locker for our stuff (10 cents) and the other 15 cents to buy a popsicle or two. Can't beat that deal on a hot summer day!

Enjoyed your trip down memory lane, Jack!


Anonymous said...

Great air bag! There was a river a mile behind our house (family owned land all the way back to it). We used to bath in it (not with soap and water), my sister and Dad used to swim in it when the water was low and the current not so strong! I've always loved being in the water...but didn't learn to actually swim until I was 40...going in the deep end of a pool where feet don't touch the bottom!

Fred Alton said...

Too many memories here, Jack! One at Wimauma, diving off the end of an old pier into the lake. Only males allowed on some days - and ladies allowed on other days during Camp-Meetings and Bible School in the summer. Preachers preaching against "public bathing" and some said they never did take any soap with them so they weren't bathing! Swimming in the Withlacoochee river in Florida and baptizing in Stinking Creek, the Tellico river and other places in Tennessee. Many other tales of a similar nature. Thanks for the reminders.

Anonymous said...

It makes me smile that your Dad baptized you everytime. It gives me a glimpse of a man who would be generous in that way.
I was only baptized once, but I've been swimming in a creek or a pond many a time. I've always loved playing in the water even though my swimming technique leaves a lot to be desired.
Your recollections are of a simpler, more innocent time and place. Thanks for sharing them.


My LORD. I never heard of someone being baptized 20 times. You are truly blessed. I never have swam in a creek. But I did in a few lakes and lots of time in the ocean. NEVER naked. But one time a BIG wave knocked my bikini top off. Does that count? LOL Glad you finally got yourself some bathing trunks.

Woody said...

I well remember skinny dipping as I grew up in the country near a place called Jones Pond. Loved the picture of the Air Bag on the Model A.

Dar said...

We were allowed to swim with the guys, but who cared. The water was what I loved. Never did learn to swim well enough to save myself. I do remember hitting my head on the bottom of the lake once and thinking I was dying....surfaced, told my twin about the feeling and he said, I wasn't dying, I was diving.
Love the stuff you come up with, man of much life.

Ken Riches said...

Only skinny dipped once.

Glenda said...

oh Jack, the "work like you don't need the money" etc quote is my all-time favorite, haven't had opportunity to read daily but am catching up with you two and have loved everything you've written, just had to tell you that as Aunt Nee says "You've still got it!"