Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Shirl started it!

(Before I start: Sherry says, “THANK YOU FOR ALLTHE BIRTHDAY WISHES. LOVE YOU ALL”)  Now today’s exciting entry!


Sherece talked so much about her climb to the top of Crowder mountain that Sherry has wanted to climb it for a long time.  It is located just west of Gastonia, NC. Our Grand daughter Sherece said, I’ll go with you after church Sunday. So we climbed the Mountain,  Sherece, Sherry, Mark and I.

Crowders MT 027Crowders MT 030

It was much rockier than we expected.

Crowders MT 032Crowders MT 034

On top of the mountain we had a picnic of Subways and water. The fall views were fantastic.

Crowders MT 035

I preferred we play it safer than the couple below, in the distance. (That is a long drop!)

Crowders MT 042

When we got home Shirl was waiting with a Card and BIG Birthday Cookie for Sherry.

Crowders MT 051

Then on Monday we met Reece and Luke (and Stella of course) at the Bowling alley snack bar for supper.

On Tuesday we met Don, Evelyn, Ed & Dianne at Jackson's Cafeteria for a Birthday lunch. Ed paid for our dinner.

Tonight is dinner at Red Lobster with Jack Jr and possibly Mark and Shirl. Sherry’s favorite place.]

The Birthday celebration is about over, except for meeting Don, Evelyn, Ed & Dianne at the Dairy Queen on Sat at 4pm for supper and a Blizzard.

We are not used to this much excitement. We are usually in Florida by November 6th.

It has been fun, Sherry keeps saying ‘Can you believe I am 75?’ And I say, ‘but oh baby, hasn’t it been a fun ride!

Thanks for coming by the log.

Nite Shipslog


We really do not want to quit having birthdays, right?


This is the longest car in the world, 100’long.

worlds longest car 02

This limousine rides on 26 tires spaced along the length of its body. It has 2 drivers’ cabins, in the front and in the back, as it’s really hard to drive such a vehicle. In order the limousine could turn and make turns around corners, its middle part is hinged to fold.

worlds longest car


Just to give you 3 more…


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks like a week long celebration there for you all! What happy times together with family and friends. Every birthday is a cause to rejoice and make the most of in my books. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!

betty said...

My gosh that limo!! Can't imagine trying to drive it! My gosh, the birthday celebrations!! All wonderful! How neat to have this year to be with family and enjoy celebrating Sherry's special day! That hike looked interesting; I'm with you, I wouldn't want to be on the ledge like that other couple, but the views were great!


Woody said...

Glad your Honey had a great Birthday, that climb up looks steep, but what an awsome view for the work, Take care and enjoy following your adventures !!!

It was 17 degrees this Morning and a Heavy Frost, Brrrrrrrr !!!!!

shirl72 said...

A good time was had by all.
I told Sherry she would survive
I did. hee hee 75 not bad.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Florida by Nov 6th...yahhhhhhhh!!

Anonymous said...

During "Hurricane life at the shore" I missed her birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Oh, siblings...SHE STARTED IT, NO, HE STARTED IT. Mom! ~Mary

Helen said...

Happy late Birthday to Sherry. I had my 75th on Oct. 5th. Yes I feel old. I could never climb that mountain. Congrats to all of you that did.

Paula said...

Glad Sherry had a loooong celebration. You should have rented that limo for her.

Dar said...

Now, that's one extended celebration. I haven't had lobster since living on the Jersey coast where we picked out our own, watched them cook it and dug in to the best Maine Lobster around. Enjoy your evening~save some for me.

75? You can't be right!
Sherry is much too young~it's all that good livin' and lovin'

~mel said...

So happy to hear that you were able to celebrate with family and friends! ... and Stella ~ how precious!! Okay ... you know you're tugging at my heart strings in an awful way putting up that pic of those golden retriever puppies. I want one in the worse way!

Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen a limo that big in my life! Happy Birthday to Sherry. Sandie